Archive for April, 2010

Web Hosting for Biological Recording Sites

April 29th, 2010

If you are thinking about starting up a web site to present information about biological recording or to support a community of users with a common interest in natural history, such as supporting a Recording Scheme then Blue-Bag working with UKWildlife can provide an ideal solution for you to quickly get up and running.

Modern web sites are increasingly based on free ‘open source’ Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. These CMS provide free solutions to getting a community site up and running very swiftly that will grow and scale with you and your needs.
It can be daunting at first to get going;  so much to consider – registering a domain name, finding a suitable host and choosing the correct Content Management System, choosing a design and setting up a site. Fortunately there are experts who can help who speak your language. » Read more: Web Hosting for Biological Recording Sites

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